Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Dalam mitologi Bali, Leak adalah penyihir jahat. Le artinya penyihir dan ak artinya jahat. Leak hanya bisa dilihat di malam hari oleh para dukun pemburu leak. Di siang hari ia tampak seperti manusia biasa, sedangkan pada malam hari ia berada di kuburan untuk mencari organ-organ dalam tubuh manusia yang digunakannya untuk membuat ramuan sihir. Ramuan sihir itu dapat mengubah bentuk leak menjadi seekor harimau, kera, babi atau menjadi seperti Rangda. Bila perlu ia juga dapat mengambil organ dari orang hidup untuk di makan.

hantu 2012

Genderuwo adalah sejenis bangsa jin atau makhluk halus yang berwujud manusia mirip kera yang bertubuh besar dan kekar dengan warna kulit hitam kemerahan, tubuhnya ditutupi rambut lebat yang tumbuh di sekujur tubuh. Genderuwo terutama dikenal dalam masyarakat di Pulau Jawa (orang Sunda menyebutnya “gandaruwo” dan orang Jawa menyebutnya “gendruwo”). Habitat hunian kegemarannya adalah batu berair, bangunan tua, pohon besar teduh atau sudut-sudut yang lembab sepi dan gelap. Pusat domisili makhluk ini dipercaya berada di Hutan Jati Donoloyo, kecamatan Sloghimo, sekitar 60 km di sebelah timur Wonogiri, dan di wilayah Lemah Putih, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo sekitar 60 km

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012


Foto Hantu Nyi Roro Kidul Dan Polisi
Baroque said the photo was taken on 8 May. At that time there was a working visit police chief Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo AKBP Banyuwangi. Himself with the top brass was photographed in the Banyuwangi district police Sukamade Beach, District Pesanggaran.
Baroque menututurkan first person entourage Banyuwangi Supervisory Police, arrived in site at around 16:00 pm. Fascinated with natural beauty and beaches Sukamade, one police chief ordered his men to capture the region.
Police accompanied by some people choose a beach with the ocean background as a force south of the photograph. Unsuspected shots with HP's visible appearance of fine creature.
Till tomorrow morning, police chief blamed one knows if there is a figure photo strange creatures, "said the Baroque.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

hantu lagi hantu lagi

5.Darn Backseat Drivers!
Tahun 1995 jarwanto pergi ke kuburan untuk mengunjungi kubur ibunya. Dia mengambil beberapa gambar makam ibunya, lalu memotret suaminya yang berada seorang diri di belakang stir.. Betapa kagetnya dia ketika melihat hasil potret tersebut, ternyata ada seseorang memakai kaca mata hitam duduk di kursi penumpang belakang. Ia yakin, siang itu tidak ada orang lain, sosok yang berada di kursi belakang itu adalah hantu.
Darn Backseat Drivers

hantu yang palng menakutkan

Railroad Crossing Ghost in San Antonio 
Hantu yg di takuti seluruh dunia ,dan masarakt belahhan dunia .dan aq ingn tau hantu yg di tkuti sluruh dunia.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

hantu wewe

Penampakan Hantu Wewe Di Sekolah Serem Banget

i was really impressed by this ghost picture, when the first time i watch this ghost picture i remember one of the most scary movie. it is the ring ghost. do you still remember with the ring ghost? yes when i watch this ghost picture, then i remember with the ring ghost. this is just looked like a japan ghost which appear as a woman with white skin and long black hair. she have a long black finger and she wear a white dress. she look so perfect like a kuntilanak ghost. but i dont really believe that this ghost is true ghost picture :


Hantu Kuntilanak Di Foto Dari Jarak Dekat

look at this scary kuntilanak ghost which i found from it is really scary is not it? look at her body and her white hands that looked like a monster and. how if the ghost accompany you, when you are sleeping. do you think that this ghost picture is real? i dont think so, i think this is not a real ghost picture, it is too impossible for some one to capture a ghost picture like this. as close as this and as real as this picture i mean. it is looked like a movie scene. just lok at the environment color. this is indicate that there some thing manipulated with shadow dark and gold color. but it is really fun for us is not it it is a great work for the person who capture it. thumb up for you